Next time you’re hungry get off your fat arse and prepare something to eat instead of downing sugary food! Those eatables are ruining my face and curves...!
Youths of today has redefined the meaning of 'sexy'!
I'm still amazed to see many young people, still in their adolescence, baring their flesh to all who'd care to drool or scorn. What the heck is wrong with them? Such bold behaviour would result in consensual or forced sex. And the statistics for teenage pregnancy ain't getting lower! Not that raging hormones provoked by 'sexy' youngsters are the only cause of teenage pregnancy but it sure contributes to the numbers.
Where does the blame lay? Parents? Teachers? Culture? Media?
Personally, I'd condemn the parents first, followed by the media and culture. Teachers can influence the kids too. So they should be partly held responsible as well.
Somebody should smack some sense into them!

‘This is for you. I know you were pining for a pair of white shoes. So I bought you one.’, From a big-hearted relative.
Yay! My first pair of white shoes and I totally love it…NOT!!
Strictly speaking for myself, I wouldn’t be as much delighted as I would’ve been if I bought it myself. Am I looking like a gift horse in the mouth? Hell yes! What did you expect? Now I’ll have to find another excuse to buy THE pair of shoes I’ve set my heart on! You are so kind to even think of me but I hate to tell you that all white shoes aren’t the same!
Now, if I buy another pair of white shoes, of my choice, I’d be looked upon as an ungrateful sod. To hell with it!
Next time you want to offer me a present please consider CASH. It’d be much appreciated. Thank you!